Caroline Joy


Hi, I’m Caroline Joy and I am the Head of Learning and Development for EMCOR UK.  I have worked in facilities and workplace management for 17 years and my passion is people and development.  I joined the LGBT+ in FM committee three years ago having attended one of their events where I realised I had much to learn about the LGBT+ community and could make a real difference.


I am a fierce ally and proud to be a member of the committee where I have learned, and continue to learn, so much which enables me to educate and raise the awareness of the 4000 people in my business. 

We have made some progress as a society but still have a very long way to go and I am really keen to provide support, allyship and guidance to my colleagues and friends and beyond to ensure we have as inclusive a work environment as we can.  I lead our internal network of Identity Champions and we have made a really positive impact on our workforce.


My favourite quote of all time is from Maya Angelou “Do the best you can until you know better.  Then when you know better, do better.”  which sums it up for me.  We can and we must do better, and it starts with being role models and educating our communities and networks.


Rowena Wilding


Regiane Taylor